La Caricom va discuter de sa réorganisation à Paramaribo

Caricom Heads to talk restructuring and reform at Paramaribo Inter-Sessional

GEORGETOWN, Caricom Secretariat– When Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government meet in Suriname next week Thursday and Friday for their 23rd Inter-Sessional Conference, it is to discuss a crisp agenda, which has among its priorities, the Landell Mills review of the CARICOM Secretariat and the strategic direction of the 15-member Community.

The report titled, Turning around CARICOM: Proposals to restructure the Secretariat, is the result of a review commissioned by Heads of Government at their Thirty-First Regular Meeting held in Jamaica, July 2010. Under the chairmanship of President Desi Bouterse, the Conference of Heads of Government will discuss recommendations contained in the Report to restructure its principal administrative body, the Guyana-based Secretariat.

To facilitate a robust discussion, the Community Council of Ministers will meet on Wednesday prior to the Heads of Government Conference to discuss the Report in detail and make recommendations for the Conference to consider.

The restructuring of the CARICOM Secretariat will be done within the context of the Community’s vision, strategic direction and priorities. The ongoing discussions on this issue, began at last year’s Inter-sessional meeting in Grenada and continued at a Special Retreat last May in Guyana as well as at the 32nd Regular Meeting of the Conference in St Kitts and Nevis last July.