Le distributeur "Lushena Books" a déclaré que “Going-Natural: How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair” par Mireille Liong-A-Kong est devenu très populaire parmi les femmes Noires depuis qu'il est vendu l'année dernière dans des librairies de tout le pays.
"Going Natural" est un guide qui accompagne les femmes dans leur passage des soins à base de produits chimiques vers des coiffures et des soins naturels.
Source : http://www.devsur.com
Book on natural hair dress tops best seller’s list
Brooklyn, New York
A book on natural hair dress by a Surinamese writer has become the best-selling book in the US on hair care, the leading distributor of African-American publications has announced.
Lushena Books says that “Going-Natural: How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair” by Mireille Liong-A-Kong has become increasingly popular among Black women since it was picked up by stores nationwide last year.
Going Natural is a guide that supports women on their journey to transition from taking care of chemically straightened hair to grooming and growing natural hair.