Tullow sera soutenu conjointement par Shell et Total pour une grande partie des couts associés aux nouveaux systèmes sismique 3D et le puits à forage à venir. [...]
L'exploration continue le long des côtes des Guyanes. Fin septembre, Tullow a signé une nouvelle licence de forage en eaux profondes au large du Suriname [...]
LONDON -- Tullow Oil has confirmed that a well will be drilled on the deepwater Zaedyus prospect offshore French Guiana during 1Q 2011.
[...] Tullow will be carried by both Shell and Total for much of the costs associated with newly acquired 3D seismic and the forthcoming well. [...]
[...] Tullow will be carried by both Shell and Total for much of the costs associated with newly acquired 3D seismic and the forthcoming well. [...]
Exploration activity continues farther along the Guyana basin. In late September, Tullow signed a new deepwater license offshore Suriname [...]